Time is running out to apply for our 2020 festival.
Here’s a quick guide to important dates and other application information.
Download the application form here: https://litf.ca/wp-content/uploads/LITF2020ApplicationandRules.pdf
Application deadline: February 10, 2020
- Plays must have been performed for the public in advance of the festival
- Each company will present a complete theatrical performance, an original work or one from the national or international repertory, experimental or traditional, classic or modern, not longer than 50 minutes and not less than 30 minutes duration.
- A complete dossier on the proposed play must reach the Artistic Directors no later than February 10, 2020 by electronic mail
- All forms should be completed using the fillable PDF form, if possible, or in clear block printing with black ink.
- A nonrefundable application fee of $100 Canadian must accompany your application.
- The Artistic Directors will notify successful applicants by February 14, 2020
For more information, email: ad@litf.ca