Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Liverpool International Theatre Festival (LITF)?

LITF is an international amateur theatre competition featuring troupes from around the world. 

Our festival is associated with the International Amateur Theatre Association (IATA).

See more about Liverpool Nova Scotia Canada.

The historic Astor Theatre is located in the Town Hall and Arts Centre.

When are the dates of LITF?

This biennial festival takes place in October in Liverpool, Nova Scotia, Canada.  In 2024, it is taking place on October 17-24.

Where do I buy tickets?

In person/by telephone:  Astor Theatre Box Office 902 354 5250

Online: Ticketpro.ca Atlantic | The Astor Theatre | Liverpool, NS

What kind of plays are featured?

Selected plays are one act, between 30 and 50 minutes in length.

All kinds of theatre is welcome.  Performed in the language of a troupe’s country, in English, or non-verbally.

The plays are of the highest artistic quality allowing the audience to understand no matter what the language.

How are the plays chosen?

LITFs Artistic Director(s) and the Festival Executive issue an international call for submissions from amateur theatre companies around the world.

Plays are chosen by assessing which best represent a diversity of cultures, scenic forms, and dramatic expression.

What adjudicating system is used for judging the performances?

LITF currently uses the Guild of Drama Adjudicators (GoDA) system of adjudicating.

What prizes are awarded?

All performing groups receive a participation certificate.  Our Trophies (non-monetary prizes) are awarded to winners in several categories, including:

  • Outstanding International Production
  • Outstanding Canadian Production
  • Outstanding Director
  • Outstanding Visual Presentation
  • Outstanding Actor – Male
  • Outstanding Actor – Female
  • Outstanding Supporting Actor – Female
  • Outstanding Supporting Actor – Male
  • Best Original Script
  • The People’s Choice Award

The adjudicator may also present additional certificates to participating troupes, based on their productions.

How many plays are performed?

LITF presents up to twelve (12) competitive plays  in a festival. 

Non competitive performances are presented during the opening and closing ceremonies.

What is a Coffee Critique?

A unique opportunity only at LITF, the Coffee Critiques are a review/discussion of the previous day’s performances hosted by the adjudicator at scheduled morning sessions.

Each session includes morning refreshments, lively discussion, audience interaction, and a question period.

What is the Festival Club?

The gathering place before and after performances.

Hosted at the Liverpool Curling Club. It is the entertainment and social hub of the festival, for troupes, audiences, sponsors and media.

An inclusive, fun and relaxed space for mingling and networking.

See schedule for specific events and information.

*coming in September!

Are the plays rated for audiences?

We encourage audiences to consult the full schedule of performances prior to purchasing tickets for younger audience members.

Some content may not be suitable for children under 12 years. 

In some instances, performances are restricted to adults (18 years or older).

Is there a schedule for LITF?

The complete performance and social schedule is typically available a month before the festival.

 Please check our website, Facebook and instagram  for updates.

Is the festival wheelchair accessible?

Yes. All venues hosting festival events are wheelchair accessible.

Do you accept Volunteers, Sponsors or Partners?

We welcome involvement in many aspects of our festival.    

Direct specific question to info@litf.ca

Do you accept Volunteers, Sponsors or Partners?

We welcome involvement in many aspects of our festival.    

Direct specific question to info@litf.ca

FAQ  for interested  Theatre Troupes

1. How can we apply to perform at LITF ?

A call for application typically happens one year before each festival through our website, social media, and IATA.

We also accept inquiries for information at  info@litf.ca.  

2.When will we know if we have been chosen to perform?

All troupes will be notified within three months of applying.

Successful applicants will be announced on our website and social media.

3.  Where can we stay when we come to Liverpool?

International and out-of-province companies participating in the festival are invited to be billeted for accommodation in private homes free of charge for up to five nights. 

 Companies from Nova Scotia are not typically offered billets, but will be considered if need is expressed.


4. Who can we bring with us if we are selected to perform?

Maximum of 10 persons: limited to the actors, director, and technical crew.

Please inform us if you have special requests


5.  Is there a cost for participating in the festival?

There is no Fee for invited troupes to participate in the festival.

Participants are responsible for all cost of the following 

● All travel costs between their home and Halifax

● Any spending money

● Costs related to stays over and above the five days of the festival

PLEASE NOTE: If participants choose to stay in a hotel, then they must pay their own accommodation charges.

Participants from Nova Scotia are responsible for all their travel costs and accommodations.

6. How do we get from the airport to Liverpool?

All International troupes and delegates will be provided with transport from the Halifax Stanfield International Airport to Liverpool for the festival and returned at the conclusion of the festival.

It is critical that the festival is notified of all travel itineraries to schedule transfers.


 FAQ Scheduled Troupes coming to LITF

1. Where can I find out about visiting Canada?

Information about entering Canada can be found at Immigration And Citizenship Canada.  Here you can learn about passport and visa requirements to enter the country.

Visit Canada – Canada.ca

All troupes requiring visas will receive an official letter of invitation from the festival.

2. Will I need accident or medical insurance?

Yes. Canada does not pay for hospital or medical services for visitors. Make sure you have health insurance to cover any medical costs before you come to Canada.

3. What currency is used in Canada?

The Canadian dollar.

We recommend that you exchange your money or use a credit or debit card while here.

The banks in Liverpool that are open on weekdays and also have automatic teller machines (ATMs), open 24 hours a day.

Please check with your own bank to ensure you can use your bank card in Canada.


4. Where do we go once we arrive in Liverpool? 

Our festival drivers will bring you to the Festival Hub, where your troupe will register.

This is where you will find your host families and receive all the information you require.


5. Is there a sales tax in Nova Scotia? 

Yes.  Nova Scotia has a tax of 15% on most everything purchased. 

The tax is calculated separately on the base price of the item, so when you see a price tag on an item tax will be added when you pay.

You may be able to receive a rebate on your sales tax spent.  Find more information here:

Foreign Convention and Tour Incentive Program – Canada.ca


6. Do I have to tip service providers in Canada?

Yes.  Gratuity is not included in services in Canada 

It is customary to tip for services such as restaurants, bars , pubs, taxis.

15% – 20% of the total bill is common.  Although the amount is always at the discretion of the person paying the bill.

7. What is the county code for Canada?

Canada’s country code is “1”. Please check with your mobile phone provider for more information.


8. What are some examples of cultural standards in Canada?

Lining up or queuing:   

Lining up or queuing is common, particularly when waiting to enter a show at the theatre. 


In Nova Scotia, smoking is not permitted in public buildings,bars, restaurants, airports, or in line-ups waiting to go into the theatre. 

LITF will have a designated smoking area outside the Festival Hub.

It is customary to ask permission to smoke when in a private home, or if you can smoke on their property.

Being on time: 

In Canada it is customary to arrive on time or early for a social or scheduled event.  

For performances and rehearsals, always attend at your scheduled time on time or before. 

Respect for the environment: 

In Nova Scotia we have separate rules for disposing of waste. Example: recycling bottles or cans, organic/food waste, or garbage bins.

In public places, look for signage that indicates the appropriate bin to use. 

We welcome any questions to assist.


Bargaining is not common practice in stores in Canada.


Stores accept cash, debit and most credit cards.  


You must be 19 years or older to drink, purchase, or consume alcohol or cannabis in Nova Scotia.  


In Canada, all passengers in a vehicle must wear a seatbelt.

9. Using electronics in Canada?

Canada residential power uses 110-volt electrical systems at 60 hertz. You will need a voltage transformer/converter for your electrical appliances if they operate on a different voltage.

10. What kind of food is Nova Scotia famous for?

We have many delicious foods here in Nova Scotia.  Plenty of places to eat here in Liverpool.  As we are close to the sea there is an abundance of fresh seafood, fish, and lobster.  

Vegetarian and vegan options are often available.  Restaurants are happy to answer any questions and assist with your menu choices.

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